The following items are required for your Midterm Reviews:
- Facade Studies (Previously presented material)
- Facade Models (Previously presented material)
- Unit Plans (scale: 1/4" = 1'-0")
- Unit Sections (scale: 1/4" = 1'-0")
- Site Plan with North Arrow (scale: 1/32" = 1'-0" / show how your building sits on the site)
- Building Plans: Ground and all Typical Floors (scale: 1/8" = 1'-0")
- Building Sections: One Cross Section and One Longitudinal Section (scale: 1/8" = 1'-0")
- Perspective Renderings (Two exterior with context and one interior)
- Physical Models [Foam] (scale: 1/8" = 1'-0" / include all previous versions)
- Diagrams (Three-Dimensional and Orthographic)
-Circulation: Horizontal and Vertical
-Organizational Logic /Communal vs. Private / Outdoor Space
- Building Elevations (showing over-all aggregation and exterior materials) OPTIONAL
These are all minimum requirements that you have to pin-up on the day that you have been selected to present. Keep in mind that some of you might have more than one Section for your unit and building depending on how complex your circulation system is. Obviously if you feel like you need additional drawings to help the jury understand your project, you are more than welcome to do more. The same goes for the physical models; Foam is the minimum requirement, but wood or chipboard are also acceptable.
Here's a link to download a Rhino 5 model of the Buildings Adjacent to the Site that you can use for your exterior perspective renderings.
Groups that are presenting on Monday (in no particular order):
Hayden / Neda
Hudson / Azeem
Laila / Chizoma
Groups that are persenting on Thursday (in no particular order):
Daniel / Valeria
Jillian / Will
Chris / Barbara